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Skeptic Magazine, Volume 10 Number 1
Table of Contents

- ’Twas Brillig…
The Great Dilution Delusion
by James Randi
- Demon Haunted Times
Evolutionists Give Up:
Creationism to be Taught in Schools
by Brandon Muller - Is Baked Alaska Half-Baked?
Alaska’s High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a magnet for conspiracy theorists.
by David Naiditch - Psychic for a Day
Or How I Learned Tarot Cards, Palm Reading, Astrology & Mediumship in 24 Hours
by Michael Shermer -
Do We Fear
the Right Things? - by David G. Myers
- Blind Research
Are the Hard Sciences Immune from Experimenter Effects?
by Rupert Sheldrake
Wrong Questions,
No Answers -
A review of The Right Questions: Truth, Meaning and Public Debate, by Phillip Johnson
reviewed by Jason Rosenhouse -
Quantum Physics
& Western Mysticism - A review of Nature Loves to Hide: Quantum Physics and the Nature of Reality, by Shimon Malin reviewed by Andrew Thomas Fyfe
Double Your Biblical
Biblical Pleasure -
A review of Secret Origins
of the Bible, by Tim Callahan
reviewed by Rabbi Edward Zerin - I Knew You Would Say That
- A review of Intuition: Its Powers and Perils, by David G. Myers reviewed by Michael Shermer
- Mind Matter Metaphors
- A review of The Origin of Minds: Evolution, Uniqueness & the New Science of the Self, by Peggy La Cerra and Roger Bingham reviewed by Michael Shermer
- Darwin, Design & Democracy
Report on an Intelligent
Design conference
by Jason Rosenhouse - Big Foot, Bigger Hoax
- by Daniel Loxton
- Stupid “Pet Psychic” Tricks
Crossing over with Fifi and Fido
on the animal planet network by Bryan Farha
Cover Story
- A Roswell Requiem
- by B. “Duke” Gildenberg with contributions from Daniel Loxton
Special Section:
Time Travel
- Days of the Future Past
A review of How to Build a
Time Machine, by Paul Davies reviewed by Ted Dace -
Einstein, Batman
& the Surfer - A skeptical view of time travel by Andrew Bernardin
The Chronology
Projector Conjecture -
The Mind is Still the
Safest Way to Time Travel by Michael Shermer
Special Section:
Science Maxims
- When Brains Fall Out
The Origin Of A Skeptical Maxim
by James Hrynyshyn - On the Shoulders of Midgets
- by John Gribbin
Ockham’s Razor
Cuts Both Ways -
The Uses & Abuses of Simplicity
in Scientific Theories by Phil Molé
- Letters
- Best Science Teaching; Cold Reading Cold Reviewing, by Gary E. Schwartz; Skeptical about Pyramid Power; Brain Chemistry and the Paranormal; Jews and Angels; Semmelweis’ Science; Science Facts and Fictions; Not Skeptical Enough
Artificial Intelligence:
Steven Harris’s article “A.I. and the Return of The Krell Machine” - Science is the Krell Machine, by Ray Ben Erskins; Harris Responds; A.I. and D.I. (Dog Intelligence), by Lynne Lopatin; Harris Responds; Will Computers Ever Think? by Joe Cuchiara; Harris Responds
Junior Skeptic
Alien Life
written and illustrated
by Daniel Loxton -
Are We Alone in the Universe?;
Do Aliens Visit Our Planet?; Astrobiology - Rubber Alien Bones
- by Bob Friedhoffer
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