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Skeptic Magazine, Volume 13 Number 1
Table of Contents

Cover Story
- A Voyager in the Cosmos
An Interview with Ann Druyan
by Michael Shermer -
Science, Religion &
Human Purpose -
A Cosmic Perspective
by Robert Zubrin - Conversations with Carl
An excerpt from
Conversations with Carl
by Tom Head - The God Hypothesis
An excerpt from The Varieties of Scientific Experience
by Carl Sagan - Tributes to Carl Sagan
Carl Sagan’s Vision
by Freeman Dyson
Carl Sagan and Edward Teller
An Uneasy Alliance Over
Defending the Earth
by David Morrison
Carl Sagan & the Search for ET
by Tom McDonough
Leaving a Demon-Haunted World
by C. Pearson Solen
Popular and Pilloried
by Gregory Benford
The Sagan File
by Joel Achenbach
Our Place in the Universe
by Bill Nye “The Science Guy”
- Deities for Atheists
- Civilized Life in the Universe: Scientists on Intelligent Extraterrestrials, by George Basalla reviewed by Michael Shermer
Of Scholars, Scrolls
& Mushrooms -
John Marco Allegro: The Maverick of the Dead Sea Scrolls, by Judith Anne Brown
reviewed by Tim Callahan -
If God Could Talk
What Would he Say? -
The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief, by Francis S.Collins
reviewed by Robert K. Eberle
- Déjà vu in the Lab; Attention Paradox; Amygdala-driven Emotions
- Pluto Downgraded
- by Liam McDaid
- Jews for Darwin
Evolution, Intelligent Design
& Orthodox Judaism
by Nathan Aviezer -
Was Louis Pasteur
Anti-Evolution? - by John Cross
- The Gospel of Food
The Myth of the Doctrine of Naught
by Barry Glassner - The Origin of Superstition, Magical Thinking & Paranormal Beliefs
An Integrative Model
by Marjaana Lindeman
and Kia Aarnio
- ’Twas Brillig…
Bad Vibrations and
Magical Thinking
by James Randi
- The SkepDoc
Don’t Let Them Hoodia-Wink You; Bunkum reigns in weight loss pills and bad back devices
by Harriet Hall, M.D.
- Letters
- Darwin as a Straw Man; Ball Lightning; Still Skeptical of Global Warming
- Mordechai Ben-Ari’s Catastrophism Forum
- Catastrophe in the Making; What About Hiroshima and Nagasaki?
- George Case Opinion & Commentary Forum
Governments Do Lie:
Systemic Bias in the Mass Media - Longevity Forum
- Ray Kurzweil and Terry Grossman defend their book Fantastic Voyage, Live Long Enough to Live Forever; Harriet Hall replies
Junior Skeptic
Evolution Part 1
written and illustrated
by Daniel Loxton and Jim WW Smith - Asking the Big Question; The Greeks and the Middle Ages; Key Discoveries Set the Stage: Extinction, and Deep Time; What Darwin Learned on His Voyage; Artificial Selection; Surplus Population and Struggle; Natural Selection; Descent with Modification; Is DNA like a Blueprint or a Recipe?; Mutation; Why Evolution is Like “Pimp My Ride”; Survival of the Fittest; The Limits of Evolution; Good Enough is Good Enough; The Majesty of Life
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