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Skeptic Magazine, Volume 8 Number 4
Table of Contents

- Lessons From Kansas
Its citizens woke up, fought back, and won. Will you be ready if the creationists take over your schools?
by Sheila Gibson - Dumbth
- by Randi Cassingham
- An Amazing Life
An interview with James “The Amazing” Randi
by Michael Shermer - Bigger than Fire?
- A scientific examination of Randell Mills’ “Hydrino” Theory by Aaron J. Barth
Time’s Arrpws
Point Both Ways -
The View From Nowhen
by Victor J. Stenger
- Impossible Evolution? Another Physicist Challenges
- Darwin Mathematics and Evolution, by Fred Hoyle reviewed by Massimo Pigliucci
- Metaphors for the Masses
- Global Brain: The Evolution of Mass Mind from the Big Bang to the 21st Century, by Howard Bloom reviewed by Michael Shermer
- The Design Detectives
- Intelligent Design: The Bridge Between Science and Theology, by William A. Dembski and The Wedge of Truth: Splitting the Foundations of Naturalism, by Phillip E. Johnson reviewed by Jason Rosenhouse
- No Devil in the Lettuce
- Tower of Babel: The Evidence Against the New Creationism, by Robert T. Pennock reviewed by Wolf Roder
- The Evolution Wars
- Defenders of the Truth: The Battle for Science in the Sociobiology Debate and Beyond, by Ullica Segerstråle; The Monk in the Garden: The Lost and Found Genius of Gregor Mendel, the Father of Genetics, by Robin Marantz Henig; The Riddled Chain: Chance, Coincidence, and Chaos in Human Evolution, by Jeffrey K. McKee. reviewed by Michael Shermer
- A Perfect 10
- Tales of the Rational: Skeptical Essays About Nature and Science, by Massimo Pigliucci reviewed by Amanda Chesworth
- The Stealth Creationists
- Icons of Evolution: Science or Myth? Why Much of What We Teach About Evolution is Wrong, by Jonathan Wells. Reviewed by David Ussery reviewed by David Ussery
Special Section:
ID — The New Creationism
- Evolution and the New Creationism: A Proposal for Compromise
- Intelligent design theory is wrong, but teaching it will strengthen students’ understanding of science by Larry Arnhart
- Whence the Flood Waters?
- The Rise and Fall (and Likely Return) of the Pre-Flood Water Canopy by Tom McIver
- The Triumph of Christianity
- Why a Small Apocalyptic Cult Overwhelmed its Powerful Roman Rivals by Tim Callahan
A Connecticut Yankee
in God’s Court -
Mark Twain’s Covert War
with Religion by Gary Sloan
- Science in America
- Knowledge About Science & Technology; Interest by Sex, Education Level; Self-Assessed Knowledge; “Attentive” Public Policy; Understanding Scientific Inquiry; Science & the Media; Communication Barriers; An Ill-Informed Public; What Should Be Done?; Belief in the Paranormal.
- The Crackpot Index®
- by John Baez
- NASA Discovers Bible’s “Missing Day” … Not!
- by Samuel Larson
- Skeptics Discover the New Creationism; Skeptics Deceived; Michael Shermer on Politically Incorrect; The Top Recommended Skeptics Books; “Cosmos” Returns; From Ann Druyan and Joe Firmage
Junior Skeptic
- The Search for Atlantis
Atlantis of the internet; Plato; Atlas!; What Plato wrote; Legends that turned out to be real; Where was Atlantis?; Best bet for a real Atlantis; Mystical Atlantis; Weird Geology; Atlanteans; Utopias; Puzzle
by Pat Linse - The Madman of Magic
The Vanishing Line
by Bob Friedhoffer
- Race & Sports Forum
- Entine Responds to Critics
- Selfish Genes Forum
- by Bob Hutton
- Chaos Forum
- Fractal Meanings; Pigliucci Responds to Blumenfeld
- Science & Religion Forum
- In Defense of Scientific Skepticism, by Steven Novella, MD; Pigliucci Responds; Transcendence Without Religion; A Skeptical Society; Water into Wine; But What if Life Has No Meaning?; What in God’s Name?; Asimov’s Test of God; Six Billion Gods; Us v. Them; ID = Who?; A Damn Interesting Question; Pascal in Peoria; What Matters at the End of the Day; Skepticism v. Smugness; God as Testable Hypothesis; What it Means to Be Human
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