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Skeptic Magazine, Volume 10 Number 3
Table of Contents

- ’Twas Brillig…
The Oregon No-Vortex
by James Randi
- Demon Haunted Times
Parents Complain:
Harry Geller Ban Out of Control
by Brandon Muller - Blame it on the Jews
- Anti-Semitism and the History of Jewish Conspiracy Theories
Evolution & Design Section
- A Devil’s Chaplin
- by Richard Dawkins
Towards a Theology
of Evolution? - Humans were inevitable on Earth, but are we alone in the cosmos? by Simon Conway Morris
Inevitable Humans?
Or Hidden Agendas? - A review of Life’s Solutions: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe by Simon Conway Morris. reviewed by Donald R. Prothero
- Unmasking Darwin’s Cathedral
It’s Not Just About Religion. A review of Darwin’s Cathedral: Evolution, Religion & The Nature of Society, by David Sloan Wilson
by Peter A. Corning - Is God in the Equations?
A review of The Emergence of Everything by Harold J. Morowitz
by Joe Cuchiara
Junior Skeptic
The Bermuda Triangle
written and illustrated
by Daniel Loxton - What Is the Bermuda Triangle?; What’s the Case For the Triangle? (Classic cases; Wild Theories!: A Closer Look!); Why Things Really Disappear in the Triangle.
- The Vanishing Dollar Bill
- by Bob Friedhoffer
- New Resource Guide for Debunking Astronomical Pseudoscience; Infrasound as a Possible Source of Sensations of the Paranormal; Cell Phones and Ghosts; Biologists Produce Position Statement on Alternative Medicine, by L.A. Chotkowski, M.D., F.A.C.P.
- Ig Nobel Prizes Awarded
- The Big “Bright” Brouhaha
An Empirical Study on an
Emerging Skeptical Movement
by Michael Shermer
Belief & the Nature
of the Divine -
A review of Beyond Belief:
The Secret Gospel of Thomas,
by Elaine Pagels.
reviewed by Tim Callahan
- Letters
- “Time Travel”Fictions: Andrew Bernardin Responds to Critics; Roswell Aliens Not Anthropomorphic Dummies (But Not Aliens Either); More Lost Discoveries Nonsense; From Christian to Skeptic; From Muslim to Skeptic
Is the Universe Acausal,
and Does God Exist? - The Nostradamus of Comics!
- Or the “Byrne Curse”
- The Science of Stephen Wolfram Forum
Evolution & Creationism
Expanding Universe -
Linguistics may be the fundamentalist’s backdoor into the public education system
by L. Kirk Hagen - Macroevolution & Microcreationism
Another flaw in Intelligent Design Creationism…
by David Eller - Wiccans v. Creationists
An Empirical Study of How Two Systems of Belief Differ
by Raymond A. Eve - Who Made It?
The Isaac Newton Orrery Story: Another Mythic Tale Misused by Creationists
by Tom McIver
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