The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine


Episode Notes for
The Zombie Antpocalypse

Polyrhachis armata

Polyrhachis armata

WHAT IF YOUR WILL WERE NOT YOUR OWN? What if your mind were being controlled by something other than your own volition? This isn’t an imaginary scenario. Real lifeforms here on earth can profoundly influence the behavior of other lifeforms, turning them into helpless zombies, forced to do the bidding of their emotionless masters. In this episode of MonsterTalk, we interview entomologist David Hughes about host behavior modification by parasitic organisms.

For more information on David’s work, visit Hughes Lab, part of the Center for Infectious Disease Dynamics and The Huck Institute for Life Science at Pennsylvania State University.

zombie ant

zombie ant


The views expressed on this program are not necessarily the views of the Skeptics Society or Skeptic magazine.

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