DESIREE SCHELL is the host of the live call-in radio talk show and podcast Skeptically Speaking, and the volunteer coordinator for the pan-Canadian blog Skeptic North.
Featuring interviews with celebrities (like MythBuster Adam Savage) and grassroots skeptics alike, Skeptically Speaking is distinguished by the audience interaction and the unpredictability of live radio.
Desiree explores the connections between science and skepticism, and strategies for promoting critical thinking beyond the ranks of current skeptics. She is also known for delving into the slippery social issues surrounding skepticism. Her show has been near the forefront of conversations about gender issues in skepticism, and about “Skepticism 2.0’s” rebirth as a demographically broad social movement. “We really want to spread critical thinking to the broadest possible audience,” Desiree says. “In order to do that, we as skeptics need to discuss ways that we can make our message more inclusive.”
Desiree cites an essay by Junior Skeptic Editor Daniel Loxton as a source of inspiration for her active brand of skeptical outreach. “‘Where Do We Go From Here?’ was a real eye-opener,” she says. “It brought home just how much work there really is to do, but it also helped me understand that we can move beyond simply being skeptics ourselves. With enough effort and the right planning, we really can help people become better critical thinkers.”
Skeptically Speaking airs live every Friday night at 6 pm MST on CJSR in Edmonton, streams live at, and is rebroadcast by several radio stations in Canada and the United States. The show is also available as an MP3 download on the website and iTunes.
READ Where Do We Go From Here? (PDF)