Daniel Loxton considers some of the commonalities that unite the broad portfolio of fringe topics studied by scientific skepticism.
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scope of skepticism
Fringe Claims: Unified by Neglect, Structural Similarity, and Direct Interconnection
Bigfoot Versus the Quest for World Peace?
Daniel Loxton considers a recent Scientific American blog post which argues that skeptics should "bash homeopathy and bigfoot less" and concentrate on "harder targets" such as an end to war.
So… Who ARE You Gonna Call?
Daniel Loxton considers four arguments for the value of scientific skepticism’s core focus on pseudoscientific and paranormal claims.
In this week’s eSkeptic, Steven Pinker moves to Beckman Auditorium from Baxter Hall, and tickets are now available in advance; Eve Siebert discuss the History Channel’s Vikings, and Daniel Loxton discusses the scope of skepticism and skeptical history on INSIGHT at Skeptic.com; Skepticality interviews Ian Harris; and Lucy talks with Mr. Deity about all the help he’s been giving people in the wealthier countries of the world.
Video: TAM 2013 Panel on the Scope and Mission of Scientific Skepticism
Daniel Loxton introduces video from The Amazing Meeting 2013, featuring a panel discussion on the scope of scientific skepticism.
The Skeptics Society is proud to announce the creation of our brand new group blog, INSIGHT at Skeptic.com. Dedicated to the spirit of curiosity and grounded in scientific skepticism’s useful, investigative tradition of public service, INSIGHT will shed light, offer critical perspective, and serve as a broadly accessible, evidence-based resource on mysteries of science, paranormal claims, and the wild, woolly, wonderful weirdness of the fringe.
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