eSkeptic Archives for 2004
- December 30th
- George Case writes about conspiracy theories.
- December 24th
- A summary of reviews for Julia Sweeney’s one-woman show, Letting Go of God.
- December 20th
- Announcing Christopher Hitchens appearance at The Amazing Meeting 3.
- December 8th
- Introducing Bill Nye’s new series, 100 Greatest Discoveries, on the Science Channel.
- November 30th
- David Voron reviews Facing Death: Epicurus and His Critics by James Warren.
- November 19th
- Michael Shermer presents two articles by Alan Harris on the Russian expedition that claims to have found a UFO crash site.
- November 12th
- David Voron reviews Eric Baum’s book, What is Thought?
- November 7th
- Michael Shermer examines Holocaust denier tactics.
- October 29th
- Paul R. Gross reviews Why Intelligent Design Fails: A Scientific Critique of the New creationism, edited by Mark Young and Taner Edis.
- October 22nd
- Michael Shermer recounts his experience appearing on the Art Bell Show.
- October 15th
- Readers respond to eSkeptic of October 8th, in which Dylan Otto Krider discussed the politicization of science in the Bush administration.
- October 8th
- Dylan Otto Krider writes on “The Politicization of Science in the Bush Administration: Science-As-Public-Relations.”
- October 1st
- John Olmsted reviews the fantasy docudrama and cult hit What the #$*! Do We Know?.
- September 24th
- Laura Woodmansee starts of this season of lectures at Caltech with Women in Science.
- September 17th
- Seth Shostak responds to an article published in New Scientist magazine by Eugenie Samuel Reichthe, which suggests the SETI@home project has found strong evidence for extraterrestrial intelligence.
- September 12th
- Stephen T. Asma reviews the PBS documentary, A Question of God, in which Michael Shermer is a round-table participant.
- August 26th
- Information about the PBS documentary series Closer to Truth: Science, Meaning and the Future, organized and hosted by Robert Kuhn.
- July 30th
- Michael Shermer remembers the life of Francis Crick (1916–2004).
- July 24th
- Aerospace engineer James C. Smith investigates the Mexican Air Force UFO Affair.
- July 16th
- Articles reprinted from Time and the Associated Press detail further strange events surrounding the prayer study scandal. (See also eSkeptic from June 1st and June 11th, 2004.)
- July 5th
- To commemorate Ernst Mayr’s 100th birthday, we reprint an interview from Skeptic magazine, The Grand Old Man of Evolution: An Interview with Evolutionary Biologist Ernst Mayr.
- June 11th
- The New York Sun reports fraud and deceit in Columbia University’s study into the power of prayer. Jason Rosenhouse reviews three books addressing Intelligent Design: The Design Revolution by William Dembski, God, the Devil and Darwin by Niall Shanks, and Darwinism, Design, and Public Education by John A. Campbell and Stephen Meyer.
- June 4th
- Steven Korenstein reviews environmental disaster film The Day After Tomorrow.
- June 1st
- Bruce Grant reviews Creationism’s Trojan Horse: The Wedge of Intelligent Design by Barbara Forrest and Paul R. Gross. Paul Harris exposes the scandal behind a Columbia University Study purporting to scientifically prove the power of prayer.
- May 25th
- Michael Shermer reviews the environmental disaster film The Day After Tomorrow. Ivan W. Kelly takes on Percy Seymour’s new theory of astrology.
- May 17th
- The Sunday Times science editor Jonathan Leake writes about Percy Seymour’s new theory of astrology. David Hackett Fischer explores the origins of “Debunking.” Also, letters on Roman Catholic atheism and Freeman Dyson’s endorsement of the paranormal.
- May 10th
- Michael Shermer recounts his evening debating Kent Hovind, a Young Earth Creationist and Defender of the Faith.
- May 4th
- Michael Shermer responds to Freeman Dyson’s assertion that there are valid reasons to believe in the paranormal. Curtis Cameron exposes the errors in ABC’s Primetime Thursday.
- April 26th
- Jason Colavito examines alternative archaeology in his article, Charioteer of the Gods: H.P. Lovecraft and the Invention of the Ancient Astronauts. Richard Dawkins offers advice to young science writers.
- April 19th
- Tim Callahan reviews God Against the Gods: The History of War Between Monotheism and Ploytheism by Jonathan Kirsch. Brent Norman investigates the IRS’s investigation of Young Earth Creationist Kent Hovind.
- April 12th
- Daniel Loxton reviews The Making of Bigfoot: The Inside Story by Greg Long; a Georgia judge sends evolution lawsuit to trial.
- April 5th
- Dennis Cass reviews Penn & Teller’s Bullshit!. Michael Shermer reviews Knocking on Heaven’s Door: American Religion in the Age of Counterculture, by Mark Oppenheimer. David Voron explores the idea of a secular Passover Haggadah.
- March 25th
- A reader repsonds to Michael Shermer’s The Science of Good and Evil. Wayne Lutz reviews The Holy Land, by Dr. Robert Zubrin. Sallie Hofmeister finds feng shui is infiltrating corporate America.
- March 18th
- Don Lattin reviews Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ. Two short articles look at homophobia in Tennessee and superstitions in Glasgow. Michael Shermer discusses the origins of evil and The Science of Good and Evil receives a positive review.
- March 11th
- Michael Shermer recommends some good reading to counter Intelligent Design creationism. Tim Callahan reviews Mel Gibson’s The Passion of the Christ.
- February 23rd
- Tim Callahan explores the question, “Who really killed Jesus,” an inquiry inspired by Mel Gibson’s film The Passion of the Christ.
- February 12th
- Michael Shermer explores his theory of the evolution of morality in relation to George W. Bush in his opinion editorial “The Divinity of Politics: Throughout History, Leaders Have Claimed a Supernatural Link.”
- January 30th
- William Harwood reviews A Devil’s Chaplain: Reflections on Hope, Lies, Science, and Love by Richard Dawkins. Also, an Evolution/Creationism controversy erupts in Georgia — article by Andrew Jacobs.
- January 23rd
- Tim Callahan reviews Doubt: A History by Jennifer Michael Hecht.
- January 12th
- Logan Hill interviews Michael Shermer in the New York Post. Craig Waterman reviews Stephen D. Unwin’s The Probability of God: A Simple Calculation That Proves The Ultimate Truth.
- January 8th
- Sandy Szwarc looks into pseudoscience on the farm in her article “Mad Cows and Irrational Hysterics.”
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