The Skeptics Society & Skeptic magazine


Coconut Oil: Health Food or Health Hazard?

Incredible health claims are being made for coconut oil — from reversing Alzheimer’s, heart and liver disease, to treating epilepsy, slowing aging, and reducing asthma. Marketing hype has triumphed over scientific evidence. In this column from Skeptic magazine 24.3 (2019), Harriet Hall, M.D. looks at the evidence for some of these extraordinary claims.

eSkeptic for September 24, 2019

Science Salon # 84 Michael Shermer speaks with Christof Koch about his new book The Feeling of Life Itself: Why Consciousness is Widespread but Can’t Be Computed; PLUS, Harriet Hall, M.D. looks at the evidence for some of the extraordinary claims for coconut oil.

eSkeptic for December 12, 2018

In his December 2018 ‘Skeptic’ column for Scientific American Michael Shermer discusses how to avert a looming crisis among today’s youth.

eSkeptic for November 30, 2016

In this week’s eSkeptic, Michael Shermer reviews What Evolution Reveals About Male Health and Mortality, by Richard G. Bribiescas. A shortened version of this review ran in the Wall Street Journal on November 18, 2016, under the title “Why Men Die First.”

The Ultimate Trade Off

Michael Shermer reviews What Evolution Reveals About Male Health and Mortality, by Richard G. Bribiescas. A shortened version of this review ran in the Wall Street Journal on November 18, 2016, under the title “Why Men Die First.”

eSkeptic for June 22, 2016

Could it be that shoes are the world’s most dangerous invention and the cause of health problems ranging from autoimmune diseases to premature aging? In this week’s eSkeptic, Harriet Hall, M.D. examines the claims of “grounding” or “earthing” — the idea that shoes are the most destructive invention ever and that maintaining health requires direct contact with the earth.

Barefoot in Sedona: Bogus Claims About Grounding Your Feet to Earth Promote Medical Pseudoscience

Could it be that shoes are the world’s most dangerous invention and the cause of health problems ranging from autoimmune diseases to premature aging? Harriet Hall, M.D. examines the claims of “grounding” or “earthing” — the idea that shoes are the most destructive invention ever and that maintaining health requires direct contact with the earth.

eSkeptic for November 18, 2015

In this week’s eSkeptic: Science Salon: This Sunday: Lisa Randall on Dark Matter & the Dinosaurs Feature: An Internet Story for Our Time Skepticality: Based on The Bible SCIENCE SALON THIS SUNDAY Dark Matter and the Dinosaurs: The Astounding Interconnectedness of the Universe Event Date: Sunday, Nov. 22, 2015 at 2 pm Speaker: Dr. Lisa […]

An Internet Story for Our Time

Can venting angrily on the Internet lead to heart disease? Carol Tavris discusses some research that points to a significant correlation between our negative language patterns (such as anger, hatred, and aggression) and health risks such as heart disease.

Esther Dyson — The Future of Human Health & Longevity

Esther Dyson — the renowned computer analyst, journalist, philanthropist, and entrepreneur — discusses her latest project called HICCup and its Way to Wellville in which five places over five years will be measured with five metrics related to the production of the health of people living there, and considers how what they’ve learned may be applied elsewhere.

Why We Get Fat and What to Do About It

IN THIS EYE-OPENING, MYTH-SHATTERING EXAMINATION of what makes us fat, acclaimed science writer Gary Taubes argues that our diet’s overemphasis on certain kinds of carbohydrates — not fats and not simply excess calories — has led directly to the obesity epidemic we face today.

Religious Belief & Societal Health: New Study Reveals that Religion Does Not Lead to a Healthier Society

In this article, we report the results of a study examining the relationship between a nation’s religiosity and its “moral health.” The received wisdom would lead one to predict a positive correlation between national religiosity and national moral health — as one goes up the other goes up. In fact, that appears not to be the case, and the example of the United States is most striking; Americans are among the most religious people in the Western world, and yet…

The Gospel of Food

In his latest debunking project (after The Culture of Fear), sociologist Glassner argues that frequent sensational headlines and scientific controversies about obesity, fast food, and food safety have left many Americans bewildered about what to eat…

Great Big Book of Tiny Germs: Bill Nye the Science Guy

Germs, germs, everywhere! We live with them all day, every day. Did you know that some germs are good for you, or even delicious? There are more germs inside you than there are people on Earth? Your body is constantly fighting germs, even when you aren’t sick? …


In this week’s eSkeptic, Patrick Johnson reviews The Obesity Myth: America’s Obsession with Weight is Hazardous to Your Health by Paul Campos.

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